Are you looking for a great way to profile your company in the Czech market? In that case, Dogpoint offers an excellent opportunity!

This Prague-based NGO is taking care of abandoned and abused dogs, who are treated and resocialized in Dogpoint’s refuge home until new owners are found. Currently, Dogpoint is constructing a new and modern refuge home outside Kolín, Central Bohemia, and is very eager to get in contact with potential sponsors. If your company is seeking positive attention in one Europe’s most dog-loving nations, a partnership with Dogpoint is a safe bet.

Information about the shelter project and the progress of the reconstruction can be found here
If you decide to financially support this project, your name will be mentioned as donors on this website. It is also possible to issue an invoice for tax reports. Your support will help to create a new place for abandoned and abused dogs.

Account number for payments in EUR: 2600661821/2010